XmlView - XmlAspect.org

XmlView is a set of tools for XML/JSON presentation change in browser.
Bookmarklet, browser plugin, XSLT rule will help to present XML/JSON in browser as a table, bar/pie chart.
UI could be adjusted with tables sorting and containers collapsing.
Sort parameters are reflected in URL to be persisted there and shared.

open sample xml | json or your web service URL in browser
Other samples: Json from Flickr, LinkedIn

after click on browser bookmarklet button the data will be shown as table

Bookmarklet Bookmarklet is a button in a browser bookmarks toolbar.
It will change opened in a browser XML/JSON presentation to collapsible and sortable tables.
How it works? Rather holding a link it runs the script on current page applying the AsTable.xsl transformation.
To use it:
  1. drag this link onto browser toolbar : XmlView
  2. open xml | json or your XML/JSON in browser
  3. Click on bookmarklet to run RunXslt.js which should re-render XML as table
  4. XML/JSON shall be accessible on web site to be read by XHR
    or XSLT included explicitly in XML.
XSLT AsTable.xsl used by following samples: Functional component
DEMO. Change XML URL To see the transformation XML in frame:
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